
The area around Saint Stephen’s it’s really all about community
We have our block parties together
Or kids meet up at the st Stephen playground together
We even shared to snow blower for years
We know each other we help each other many Friday or Saturday nights neighbors can be found hanging out in one or the others backyards or porches.

All this is centered around the Saint Stephen’s school and while many of us don’t attend the school (many like mine did attend preschool there ) or church we use the playground and the basketball courts regularly. Many late night games of capture the flag on the grounds,, building snow forts and learning how to bike in the parking lot.

I raised five kids in this neighborhood and I can’t imagine it without the use of these facilities.
These are city lots with not a lot of green space for the kids. But having that the playgrounds at your doorstep makes the lack of back yards better than ok – it’s community space.
It’s where my kids made friends and could understand the boundaries of where they can explore some freedom but stay close to home.
What do you actually do with the facilities- I don’t have the answer but whatever that entails please keep it centered on the community that lives here, the playgrounds and the green space
I’d love to see a preschool or after school care here still here because I feel east needs that and the community would use it.

If it does become some kind of housing please keep the parks and green space available to the community and not build on every inch.