continental cross walks

I had previously requested (during the public meetings held about 2+ years ago) that more continental crosswalks be added across Wealthy, Lake and Robinson between West City Limits and Plymouth but although many new ones have been painted on the pavement in other areas of the City, apparently this neighborhood isn’t deemed that important. In addition to clearly marking the pathway for pedestrians to cross, they can also serve as traffic calmers to alert drivers to be aware of pedestrians in these areas.. Traffic moves too rapidly down Lake Wealthy between Lake and Plymouth and with parked cars along one side of Wealthy, drivers must ease out into the traffic lane to see the approaching traffic. Of the 3 streets west of Plymouth on Wealthy. There is only a cross walk painted on one (Gladstone) and with the easterly downhill grade cross walks on Gladstone and Rosewood (if installed) should also have warning signs for eastbound drivers to enhance visibility!
Lake could use at least one each at Cambridge and Rosewood in addition to the one already at Gladstone.
Robinsone should have at least one more somewhere between Gladstone and Briarwood. I know this is on the edge of the City limits but perhaps an agreement could be worked out between Aquinas and City of GR?