Focus Areas
A closer look at specific neighborhoods or subareas is the focus of this updated amendment to the 2018 Master Plan. Four locations are the subject of this update.
Gaslight Village
The heart of the City and its central business core, this area contains EGR’s largest undeveloped property and best opportunity to address a variety of community needs.

Greenwood / Lakeside
Bordering Gaslight Village and containing a variety of residential and non-residential uses, the character and future outlook of this mixed-use neighborhood will be studied.

One of the oldest neighborhoods in East Grand Rapids, the influence of nearby Aquinas College and the Eastown business district on the 100 plus year old neighborhood merits attention.

St Stephens Neighborhood
At the center of this neighborhood lie St. Stephens church and school. The recent closing of the school raises questions about the future of that large building and its property and potential impacts upon the nearby homes.