Needs development, but could be amazing

My family and I fully support the plans proposed for the property behind DandW. We can’t wait any longer to develop that space. Done well it will completely transform the experience for residents and visitors and turn gaslight into a destination. The key will be in the businesses that are brought in. We need to focus on more stable family friendly type of eateries for breakfast, donut shops, bakeries, more lunch spots and dining options. We need to turn this into a space where people come to spend their morning/afternoon/evening. We need more common spaces such as pocket parks with art and proper lighting. Connection to the lake would be ideal. The parking lot of d and w as well as the whole strip mall needs to be completely reimagined. It does not fit with the community feel. The parking lot is unsafe and needs to be transformed so it’s less of an eyesore with more green spaces and sidewalks down the middle. This is an exciting time for EGR and gaslight we need to move forward and ensure we find the right businesses for the new developments. Need bookstores, more spots for live music, cafes, a high quality toy store and gift shops. Frozen yogurt shop. Cherry republic needs to be brought in as a business! Consider a boutique hotel like the one that just opened in Ada.