The Village of East Grand Rapids

What ever design decisions are made from the heights and size of the buildings to the amount of residents and condos PLEASE remember East Grand Rapids was designated Gas Light Village by our founding fathers. Not……tall, big, is better Gas Light Village… it’s a village let’s keep it that way.
All of you …. the Mayor and City Commissioners etc. are responsible for getting this development, on this small piece of property to look and feel like it fits the criteria of a Village.
Please don’t be intimidated or impressed by money, power or privilege when making decisions about the future of our community.
Keep our neighborhoods safe and healthy as you take into consideration the future impacts of traffic congestion (bigger is not better)and the k thru 12 children and residents that walk through the Gas Light Village every day. As our city leaders and representatives for EGR, you have the responsibility to do your due diligence to every last detail of this development. Because long after you have left your positions as Mayor and City commissioners, specialist engineers etc YOUR leadership and direction will be remembered and the legacy you leave behind. It is my hope and prayer that you all will listen to and support my concerns and my neighbors requests. Please don’t cut corners when it comes to our community, we are in one of the highest tax brackets in Michigan simply because it’s beautiful and peaceful with schools, trails, around our lake and so much more.
I hope and pray the architect who will be seeing over this project sees our vision for a beautiful one of kind, unique to our community, inspiring, and sustainable addition to the Gas Light Village! Thank you for your time, attention, service and support!