How This Works

Over the next several months, the City staff, Planning Commission, City Commission, and consultants will be updating the City’s current Master Plan. Your input is valuable. 

Planning Starts First and Foremost With Our People.

Follow Us​

This all works best when the community is engaged in the process. To that end, we are using this site to inform you about the planning process, alert you in advance about town meetings for open conversations, AND obtain your ideas and opinions regarding the planning concepts as they evolve.

The more you’re involved, the better the plan will be.





Focus Areas
Our Master Plan

The City’s current Master Plan was adopted in 2018. While that Plan remains relevant overall, four subareas of the community have been identified as meriting more detailed study to address current challenges. Click on an area below to give us your feedback about that area OR CLICK HERE to view larger maps of each area.


Give Us Your Feedback


Give Us Your Feedback

St. Stephen

Give Us Your Feedback

Community Engagement

As with all prior City plans, this update will be built on community input. Stakeholder interviews, neighborhood meetings, displays, this interactive website, and a community opinion survey will all be employed to invite your ideas and opinions.

Preparation of the Plan is a collaborative effort between staff, consultants, Planning Commission, City Commission, and the public. Options will be evaluated relative to planning goals, City priorities, and community input.