Welcome to the new East Grand Rapids mini-site dedicated to our long range planning and opportunities for community engagement.
How it all works
There are a lot of moving parts, but updating the plan boils down to these three (3) components
Focus Areas
The 2018 Plan is still relevant and valuable. However, that Plan views the City from a 30,000 foot perspective. A closer look at specific neighborhoods or subareas is the focus of this updated amendment to the 2018 Master Plan. Four locations are the subject of this update.
Community Engagement
As with all prior City plans, this update will be built on community input. Stakeholder interviews, neighborhood meetings, displays, this interactive website, and a community opinion survey will all be employed to invite your ideas and opinions.
Developing the Plan
Preparation of the Plan is a collaborative effort between staff, consultants, Planning Commission, City Commission, and the public. Options will be evaluated relative to planning goals, City priorities, and community input.